Wow! Get your own 3 Bed ensuite Bungalow

3 Bed ensuite Bungalow

So you have a dream home you have always wanted to build. You have travelled afar and saw your dream design in the USA when you went on holiday or perhaps somewhere in Europe. Now is the right time to act.

Why not let  MercyHomesUK  help you build your dream home.

3 Bed ensuite Bungalow



MercyHomes offers a full service package – build out construction of new design homes. Our projects are collaborations: we work with our client’s directives as to their desires with regards to style, size of home, amenities and budget.

WE will propose contract quotations as to the client’s objectives, including preliminary financial planning and construction time line for completion.
As is so often the case in Nigeria when not present, the prospect of an individual attempting to direct and oversee a home construction personally, is rife with endless possibilities of failure and disappointment – not to mention the horrid reality of going over budget ( we have known of many such examples – some extreme ), and over schedule which is equally aggravating. You want to avoid all of this!
“ Doing it yourself “ is largely impossible – unless you want to park yourself 100% of the entire time ( read one full year minimum usually ), and have plenty of confidence you can assess and make all correct judgements on the construction processes and material choices. Having a “contractor” means almost nothing in itself.

Must Check : West Point Studios & 1 Bed – MANCHESTER

3 Bed ensuite Bungalow



How We Do It

1.The main difference up front: You are NOT hiring a Contractor…
 2.We use Only Qualified Professionals for all aspects of the works.
3.We are here ask from us anything.



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